Thursday, March 22, 2012

March 22, 2012


pH Level: 4.5 - Extremely Acidic (7.0 is normal)
Time: 8:00 am
Method of Testing: Twice - Saliva and Urine, using pHion's Diagnostic Test Strips
Results: Two, separate test strip and chart comparisons in the 4.5 - 5.0 range.

Emotions: calm and stable

Stress: High
1.) Father in-law is in hospital undergoing kidney dialysis after major surgery.
2.) Reading, correcting, and making suggestions to 150 college papers, but enjoying student progress.
3.) Waiting answer from IUP Ph.D. Graduate & Teaching Assistantship committee and start date.

Energy: High

Physical Exercise: Limited to everyday activities due to time constraints.

Activities of Enjoyment: Judged inner-city, elementary student Poetry Readings at Erie Art House this week, and teaching LENG112 at Gannon University. Weather has been un-seasonably warm and sunny; that is, it's been more like summer and it's only spring. Also singing in church choir and practicing singing to tapes while driving 2-hours to and from Erie to teach. In addition to singing, also listening to local radio stations, MP3 player, and Bellaruth Naperstack's Affirmations, breathing guide, and Guided Imagery. Also spent time with husband, dog, kids, and Gabby's bunny this week; in addition to, keeping in touch with friends.

Sleep: 6-8 hours

Diet: This area needs tweeked since pH is extremely acidic. Two articles, one by Robert Challum's Better Nutrition article titled "Do you Pass the Acid Test?" and Molly Siple and Brian Leatart's Natural Health provide food suggestions for neutralizing the acidic climate within the body. Challum writes fruits and vegetables will neutralize pH, and Siple and Leatart provide a slide-chart of fruits and vegetable with varying degrees of effectiveness of specific vegetables. This will take some practice with food preparation and grocery shopping to select and change diet. For example, Siple and Leatart suggest "eggplant, string beans, sauerkraut, mushrooms, cauliflower, corn, broccoli, peas, onions, sweet potatoes, squash, asparagus, carrots, spinch, and sweet peppers" in the vegetable section. Fruits include "melon, papaya, avocado, dates, figs, and persimmons." Effective grains include "whole grains, buckwheat, hominy, and millet. Legumes - "soybeans and lima beans." Animal products "seafood, eggs, and duck." Dairy is limited to "most cheeses, milk, and butter" and NO yogurt as it converts to sugar in the body, and sugar creates acid in the stomach and kidneys. Natural sweeteners that neutralize best are "maple syrup, brown rice syrup, and honey." Condiments include "dutch processed chocolate, garlic, and hot peppers." Beverages list "mineral water, tea, and beer." (Wine is out, beer is in.)

The Acid-Alkaline Food Guide: A Quick Reference to Foods & Their Effect on pH Levels by Larry Trivieri Jr. and Susan E. Brown PhD (Aug 15, 2006) looks helpful - available at

Relaxation Ability: Not a problem. Awareness of tension withing the body is becoming more easily identified and removed for better energy flow, with the breathing and relaxation exercises of Dr. Andrew Wiel and Bellaruth Naperstack.

Qi Gong is also proving helpful for relieving tension and creating positive energy flow within the body. Six repetitions of three, basic-beginner exercises are practiced 2-3 times daily.

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